Naloxone Administration and the Opioid Crisis

Naloxone being used after opioid overdose

The opioid crisis is the deadliest and most costly drug crisis in US history. The National Institute on Drug Abuse revealed that approximately 130 people die every day in the United States after overdosing on opioids.

As first responders and healthcare providers, we are on the frontlines of the opioid crisis, and it’s crucial for us to stay current on emerging best practices. Watch our free webinar below to learn more about the current state of the opioid crisis, the potential risks providers face when treating a patient with opioid overdose, and proper protocols for administering naloxone.


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About the presenter: Kuo Downing-Reese is a 16-year veteran of EMS. She started her career in Los Angeles County serving in a variety of settings, including private ambulance, fire, and hospital ED. Kuo went to paramedic school at UCLA-Daniel Freeman. She has a degree in EMS management from George Washington University and currently practices as a full-time critical care paramedic in Rochester, New York. She also does a variety of EMS and medical training as a CareerCert instructor, NYS Certified Lab Instructor (CIC intern), NAEMT instructor, and as an AHA regional/training center faculty.